About Cynthia

Cynthia Flowers LMHC

Cynthia Flowers

“Ring the bells that still can ring,
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.”
                               Leonard Cohen

My interest in psychology and the body’s wisdom and capacity for healing stems from my life journey. I emerged into adulthood a frozen and disempowered young woman, and this began a life long exploration of discovery and transformation. My early life, with its difficulties and joys, has been my greatest teacher for it has brought empathy, compassion and wisdom. There are different facets to what I provide, depending on the needs of each individual at any given moment. The basis, however, is a quiet and attentive presence, providing a nurturing and compassionate container for those who wish to have a place to understand and know themselves and others more deeply.

I am a licensed mental health counselor, as well a a craniosacral practitioner. I have worked as a psychotherapist for 35 years and am deeply grateful for all that I have shared and learned from my clients and all of the diverse circumstances and situations that I have encountered. I have training in psychodynamic psychotherapy, family systems, Hakomi, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and Interpersonal Neurobiology. I have studied Jungian Psychology in both the US and Switzerland, and have also studied shamanic traditions in South America for the last ten years. I practice meditation daily, and have been a student of yoga and other movement arts for many years.

I feel strongly that our view of health needs to extend from our own psyches and our relationships with other humans to our relationships with the earth, the air, the water and all the beings with whom we share this planet.